主題: 一帶一路國家的中藥藥劑專業發展及中藥創新科技應用

Theme: Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Professional Development in Belt-and-Road Countries and Innovative Technology Application of Chinese Medicines


The 2nd Pharmaceutical Service and Safe Use of Chinese Medicines Seminar, the theme of which is “Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Professional Development in Belt-and-Road Countries and Innovative Technology Application of Chinese Medicines”. The seminar will be conducted in hybrid mode (online and physical attendance), further connecting with Belt-and-Road Countries and regions, to strengthen the international cooperation and enhance the sharing and exchange of information.

詳情 Detail

日期Date:        2021年12月4日 4 December 2021, Saturday
時間Time:        10:00 – 18:30 [HKT GMT+8]
形式Format:    混合模式 – 線上線下全球同步Hybrid Mode – Online and On-site Live Broadcast
語言Language: 普通話/英語 Putonghua / English

會場 Venue:

  1. 香港數碼港道100號數碼港3期A座 4樓403室 Unit 403, Level 4, CoreA , Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong (名額quota: 15) 或OR
  2. ZOOM線上會議Online via ZOOM (名額quota: 100)


重點內容 Highlights

Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Professional Development and
Chinese Medicines Regulation In Different Countries and Regions
上午 AM 中國內地 PRC | 香港 Hong Kong | 美國 USA | 澳門 Macau | 台灣 Taiwan
下午 PM 泰國Thailand I 馬來西亞 Malaysia | 德國 Germany | 歐盟 EU
Innovative Technology Application of Chinese Medicines
下午 PM
  • 中檠甌塊鏈的應用
    Application of Chinese Medicine Blockchain
  • 中藥DNA檢測技術與發展
    Technology and Development of DNA Detection in TCM
    CM Rapid Detection System
  • 中藥水耕技術與應用
    Chinese Herbal Medicine Hydroponics Technology and Its Application
  • 數據茶療及營養飲食祈趨勢
    New Trend of Data-based Tea Therapy and Nutritional Diet



Note: The organizer reserves the right to alter the topic / content / speaker of the webinar programme without prior notice. Please reference the event website for detail.

截止報名日期 Registration deadline
1 December 2021 (Wednesday)
活動報名表格 Registration Form

查詢 Enquiry
電話 Tel: 5485 5871
電郵 Email: hkcmpa@gmall.com